Vivado IP Release Notes
This article contains a list of all 'Vivado™ IP Release Notes - All IP Change Log Information' answer records and the associated Vivado Tools release.
作成者: AMD
The AXI BRAM™ Controller is a soft AMD IP core for use with the Embedded Development Kit (EDK™) and Vivado™ IP Integrator (IPI) or available as a stand alone core in the Vivado IP Catalog.
The AXI BRAM™ Controller is a soft AMD IP core for use with the Embedded Development Kit (EDK™) and Vivado™ IP Integrator (IPI) or available as a stand alone core in the Vivado IP Catalog. The core is designed as an AXI endpoint slave IP for integration with the AXI interconnect and system master devices to communicate to local BRAM. The core supports both single and burst transactions to the BRAM and is optimized for performance.
Certain AMD technologies may require third-party enablement or activation. Supported features may vary by operating system. Please confirm with system manufacturer for specific features. No technology or product can be completely secure.