Satisfy both of high accuracy and small footprint
- High accuracy( minimum average error rate is 0.8%)
- Small footprint supporting low-cost FPGA: AMD Ultrascale+ MPSoC 2CG/3CG/6CG、Zynq7000 series
- High resolution support - up to 4K
- High performance - up to 158fps
- Pre-Processing - Left-right image alignment / Stereo Rectification
- SGM core : Semi-Global Matching algorithm such as Parallel Unit(PU), Buffer compression, Sub-pixel interpolation and Uniqueness check
- Post-processing - Disparity image denoising such as Consistency check, Texture filter, Gap interpolation and Median filter
- Interface : AMBA AXI4 support
- Input data: 8-bit grayscale image , max resolution 3840x2160
- Output data: 8-bit/12-bit disparity map (max disparity 256 pixel with 1/16 subpixel) or 16-bit depth map